Incentive, Meeting and Event Travel
Our team specializes in:
- Corporate meeting and event planning
- Marketing and Creative Services
- Program and Design Management as well as Incentive Travel
- Air/ground transportation management
- Site Selection Services
- Online participant registration and database management
- Entertainment
Group Travel and Meeting Services
From thorough planning to implementation, we can design and deliver custom incentive travel programs for groups of all sizes. By leveraging the combined business that all of Level 4 Marketing Group customers represent and applying our best-practice procurement strategies we are able to deliver documented cost savings in excess of industry averages.
Customize your Customer's Vacation
We offer Cruise Certificates, Vegas Plus Certificates, and Certificates to any pre-determined specified destination. If moving 200+ attendees to a specific destination is not an economically sound plan for you, here's an alternative. Level 4 Marketing Group can tailor a travel certificate program to suit your needs.

Incentive Travel
Level 4 Marketing Group can work with you to create an effective incentive/performance improvement solution. We focus on assisting organizations in developing and implementing aligned incentive programs, including customer loyalty programs, employee recognition programs, travel incentives and sales incentives.
Level 4 Marketing Group enjoys strategic alliances with worldwide vendors and extensive partnerships to secure the most advantageous rates. We offer a wide range of group travel options along with the most advanced online and office based technology. Our team of professionals are experts at group travel management.

Business Challenge #2
Why do cash incentives fail to motivate employees?
Believe it or not, money is not effective in keeping employees motivated. Although most would accept a cash incentive as a reward, recent research reveals the value of allowing peak performers to “earn the right to indulge” using travel rewards.
Most of us are hesitant to spend money on non-essentials, and when given cash, we spend it on bills, buy gifts for family members or household items, and few put it in a savings account.
People will work harder for a luxury reward than the cash equivalent and the harder someone must work to achieve a goal, the more they want to receive a non-essential item as a reward.
How to have a successful event
The planning efforts include before, during and after an event, which requires the coordination of a multitude of people. We're with you to be sure your event is a huge success.